CAA Urges Legislature To Stop Bill That Reduces Rents By 25%
Brennan Law Firm
California Legislators Trample Constitutionally Protected Rights of Landlords
n n n n n n n Landlords and Property Managers: n n Many of you have already heard that California State legislators aren attempting to enact AB 828, a law that violates your Constitutionallyn protected 5th Amendment right against illegal takings by then government, as well as your rights to equal justice. AB 828 unfairlyn benefits tenants by allowing judges to illegally alter all of your rentaln agreements by reducing the monthly rent by 25% for any tenant willing ton sign a statement saying they couldn’t pay rent because they were affectedn by COVID-19. n n The language of the bill unreasonably favors the tenants. The bill alson provides Judges with an abusive amount of unfettered authority to issuen an order reducing the rent by 25% for a 12 month period, on virtually non evidence at all that the reductions are necessary and/or even related ton COVID-19. n n As if that weren’t enough, the bill has a built in presumption whichn states that landlords owning more than 10 units are presumed not to ben materially affected by the 25% reduction in rents! n n As one would imagine, the tenants’ rights groups are demanding that ABn 828 should be passed in light of the COVID-19 situation. However, theren are many other ways to address the COVID-19 situation without illegallyn stealing landlords’ rights and forcing them to shoulder the entiren burden. Don’t let this happen to you and your family. Follow the link here to downloadn a copy of a letter that can be altered in any manner you feeln appropriate and then sent to your state senators and state assemblyn members. It is vital that you let them hear your voice immediately, andn loudly. Begin with your Senators, as the vote will go to themn first. Demand they vote in a constitutional manner and remind themn of the costs associated with a lawsuit against California that is likelyn to follow if they pass this unconstitutional bill. You can get theirn contact information by going here. Keep in mindn that they are currently engaged in an enormous amount of activity takingn place over the internet rather than in chambers, so the website oftenn crashes. Don’t give up! Email them; call them; send them written letters. n n As most of you know, for more than a decade I have been tireless in myn efforts to inform landlords and management companies about the theft of theirn rights by Sacramento legislators pandering to the renters and specialn interest groups. I urge you to consider, now, that this is no time ton rest on your laurels, sit on the sidelines, or “let the other guy handlen it”! Your rights, and everything you have worked for is being stolen fromn you! Get angry! Get upset! Get involved! Your livelihood depends on it!n n n Let the state senate and assembly know we will not stand for this! Letn them know we will fight back with everything we have. Send your representativen the article found here about then city of San Jose, which proposed to waive rent for 90 days and,n surprisingly, San Jose’s City Attorney shot it down due to his uncommonn ability to understand the Constitution and the illegality of the proposedn law. Let your Sacramento legislators know that if this law passes, wen will be in court fighting it on constitutional grounds. n n If writing, calling, or emailing is too much for you, then at a minimum,n follow this link here to completen a form that can be sent directly to Sacramento from the website. Fill outn the form and click “send”. How much easier can it get? n n Unless every single landlord jumps on this now, we will unintentionallyn send a message to Sacramento that we don’t really care what they do ton us; that we will sit by and take it, content to merely complain about it.n Don’t do that. Don’t be lazy. Be proactive. Don’t wait. n n Tenants are calling for a statewide rent strike starting with the May 1stn rent. Do you want that to happen? Tenant rights groups are advocating forn AB 828 as well. Is this the direction we want things to go? If not,n lets do something about it! n n It is time for the legislature to hear from you. . . now, contact yourn state Senator or Assembly Member and voice your opposition to AB 828. n n Please let us know what we can do for you right now. How can we assistn you; both now and when the pandemic is over? n n n n n n n n |
Hosted By: Andres Segovia
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